Making the Most of 450 Square Feet

Using some flexible designing ideas this 450 square foot apartment is made into a full home. As with all these types of efforts space is used in multiple ways depending on the configuration of the movable walls and furniture. It is great to see the livable spaces that can be created with some imagination and good ideas. The $70,000 bill is not cheap but in high cost areas (New York City, Tokyo, London…) that really isn’t a huge amount considering the real estate costs (owning or renting).

Related: Amazingly Flexible 344 Square Foot Room Can Transform Into 24 Different RoomsGreat Furniture for Small Spaces

Amazingly Flexible 344 Square Foot Room Can Transform Into 24 Different Rooms

Gary Chan, a Hong Kong Architect, has created an very cool modular apartment (32 square meters) that can transform into 24 different rooms using sliding walls.

Box of tricks

His latest effort, which took a year and cost just over $218,000, he calls the “Domestic Transformer.” The allusion to toy robots seems apt, given the science-fiction quality of the color scheme – mostly black and silver, washed in eerie yellow light.

Acoustic privacy is limited. When Mr. Chang is entertaining, anyone who wants to use the phone must do so in the shower (also known as “the phone booth”). Still, Mr. Chang is determined to see his ideas put to use in new multi-unit buildings. He has invited a number of developers to visit, and has meticulously documented his apartment’s history in a book, “My 32m2 Apartment: A 30-Year Transformation”. Buying a new apartment might have been a less expensive solution to his storage problem, he admitted. “But why do that?” he asked as he stood in the kitchen making noodle soup. “I see my place as an ongoing experiment.”

Related: Great Furniture for Small Spaces